Strengthening the shared vision for ENLIGHT

At the General Meeting in Bern, 140 members of all ENLIGHT member universities discussed the long-term vision for the alliance. Albrecht Vorster and Carolina Gutiérrez from the Department of Neurology at Bern University Hospital gave a keynote speech on brain health and the importance of sleep.
The General Meeting meeting in Bern showed that the ENLIGHT community is moving steadily towards its strategic goals, driven by a vibrant community of passionate academics and support staff.
The working groups discussed:
- How to best assess the embedding of ENLIGHT at each institution
- How to foster and sustain diverse educational initiatives
- Ways to support the knowledge creation teams within the alliance
- Promoting administrative staff mobility within the alliance through ENLIGHT staffweeks and job-shadowing experiences
- Promoting eco-friendly initiatives at each campus
The ENLIGHT Student Network discussed the governance model and planned the upcoming Student Network General Assembly. The ENLIGHT Alumni Expert Network explored how to further engage and involve this community for the benefit of the Alliance.
The meeting concluded with an inspiring tour of the Swiss Parliament, led by Melanie Mettler, Member of the Swiss National Council, who explained Switzerland’s unique political system.
Images: Annette Boutellier and Danielle Liniger
Based on an article published on