Studying in Korea: cultural opposites attract

Studying in Korea: cultural opposites attract

Image: Chiara Heiss

At first it was a culture shock, then a passion. Chiara Heiss, a Bachelor’s student in Social Sciences at the University of Bern, spent a semester studying at Korea University in Seoul. In this video, she explains how she found her feet in a foreign country and how her exchange changed her.

Chiara learned to cope with the unfamiliar aspects of living in a foreign country. When she returned home, she found that she was approaching life with a different mindset.

“We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time.”

T. S. Eliot

Many students dream of discovering the world and studying abroad for a semester. Spending a semester at another university anywhere in the world is a unique opportunity to get to know other ways of learning and living.

Images: Chiara Heiss
Text and Video: Caspar Bienek

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